Databases for matching partners in FP7 calls
"Matching partners in FP7 calls" databases aims is to list research groups with research interest in ICT, NMP and some areas from Health related to NMP and ICT from the New Member States, Candidate and Acceding Countries and also form the Western European Countries. There are three separate databases each one created for an single FP7 theme as follow: Health database, ICT database and NMP database.
It is designed to:
- Help research groups and researchers to promote their competencies and initiate cooperation with other organisations in field of micro nano bio technologies.
- Identify research groups with specific competencies according to topics from calls published in ICT, NMP and Health for 2007.
- Prepare face-to-face brokerage events.
"Matching partners in FP7 calls" databases covers a wide scope. It includes research correspond to "micro" and/or "nano" and/or "biotechnologies" in the Health/ICT/NMP priorities (themes) of the FP7-2007 calls. The "materials" topics in NMP are, however, also included. For a preliminary documentation use the following links:
- Theme 1 from FP7 HEALTH [...]
- Theme 3 from FP7 - ICT - INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES, (selection from ICT Work Programme published on FP7 site in December 2006) [...]
- Theme 4 from FP7 - NMP - NANOSCIENCES, NANOTECHNOLOGIES, MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES (selection from NMP Work Programme published on FP7 site in December 2006) [...]
If you are not sure in which topic your proposal fits better you may search by keywords in the contend of the topics listed above (click here )
How to use the "Matching partners in FP7 calls" databases
When entering the Add form, thick the topic(s) of interest and you will also find (click on the help link) their complete description, so your offer (competences/resources) and your request (expression of interest) can be easily trimmed to a specific topic of a certain call. The information should be very brief (concentrated) and keywords (relevant words of the call) should be used.
The access to the Login and search form will be immediately be possible, because once registering (submitting the add form), the system is generating automatically the password. One may search by using simultaneously topics, keywords, basic activity of the organisation introducing the information, country of origin.
The graph below (when activated, at a later date) will allow selection of multidisciplinary topics of the above calls:
M-N-O-B: Micro-Nano-Opto-Bio
N-M-B: Nano-Micro-Bio
M-N-O: Micro-Nano-Opto
B-O-N: Bio-Opto-Nano
M-B-O: Micro-Bio-Opto
Nano-Bio |
Why register in "Matching partners in FP7 calls" database?
Registering here helps promoting your competencies. Other researchers might use the database to contact you to:
- Participate in conferences
- Participate in research projects
- Cooperate for a publication
- Participate in national or European public tenders
Who can register in the database?
Research groups from all Countries of Europe which intend to participate in future proposals for FP7 projects. |