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ICT 2007

* - These fields are mandatory
Section A:
Organization Full Name*
Organization Short Name
URL (Web Page)
select only one country

Outside Europe
Other Countries (not listed)
Main Activity*
Department/Laboratory/Group etc.
Contact Person*
E-mail* WARNING Please verify that You have typed your e-mail address accurately !
Other Contact Data (adress, tel., fax)
Profile of your lab / dept / organisation*
(max. 1000 characters)
Previous participation to European Projects
(max. 1000 characters)
Section B:
ICT-2007.3.1: Next-Generation Nanoelectronics Components and Electronics
ICT-2007.3.2: Organic and large-area electronics, visualisation and display systems
ICT-2007.3.5: Photonic components and subsystems
ICT-2007.3.6: Micro/nanosystems
ICT-2007.8.1: FET proactive 1: Nano-scale ICT devices and systems
ICT-2007.8.3: FET proactive 3: Bio-ICT convergence
Section C:
Code: «  Type the code as seen in the image